Monday, 25 June 2007

Laughter The Best Medicine


Happy thoughts can be like a beautiful flower garden. They can start from a tiny idea and blossom into bigger happier thoughts. Happy thoughts are not to be taken for granted. They don't just happen. They have to be sewn and cultivate just like flower seeds or plants. To sow happy thoughts you must train yourself to always see the positive. Some questions come to mind about happy thoughts. What are happy thoughts? What makes happy thoughts? What do you do when think happy thoughts? Let us look at what are happy thoughts first. Happy thoughts can be so many different "happies" and "thoughts". Science is making tremendous headway into understanding the workings of the mind, and the tremendous impact our mental control can have over our daily lives.

Thanks to the studies of Alzheimer’s, and other dementia related disorders, we have discovered that if you keep your mind active, and happily engaged, the opportunity for diseases such as those named above, can be delayed, and in some cases, prevented. Wouldn’t it be much better to never experience the loss of your mental capacity? Especially if all you had to do was to think happy thoughts?

Happy thoughts can come to mind on a beautiful sunny day or if it is dry and the garden and lawn needs water and we get a good rain. Therefore rain was a happy thought because it served a good purpose. Rain could be looked on as ruining a day but is happy thoughts if you can see it watering your flower garden. We need to learn not to dwell on bad things but look for the good. It's kind of like this- there will always be a few weeds in our flower garden, we just need to step back and look. Sometimes they add depth or personality to our garden. Happy thoughts can be of our children. We should always be able to smile as we think of our children. Thinking of them would be like thinking of the most beautiful flowers you have ever seen.

Happy thoughts about a child would be like gathering a beautiful bouquet. You would add each thought so careful just like you would pick the most beautiful flower. Unlike live flower you gather as a bouquet these happy thoughts can be passed from generation to generation. Happy thoughts can be from having good health, good job, a nice home, or good food to eat. Our next question is "what makes happy thoughts"? You control your thoughts, so you can have happy thoughts or bad thoughts. Depending upon your choice you can have beautiful flowers or thoughts or you can have weeds or bad thoughts Making happy thoughts is not to be taken lightly.

Making happy thoughts is like working in your flower garden. There is a lot of work involved. Daily practice is a must. The smallest of flowers is sometimes the prettiest. Just like a simple "I love you", from someone. If you don't get happy thoughts from this, your weeds are taking over. Our next question is "what do you do when you think happy thoughts"? This is an interesting question. There are so many different responses you could give. Let's look at a few. Sometimes you might like to stay in that zone of happy thoughts and just enjoy the memories. Each and every person has a different definition of “happy thoughts”; the key is to find yours, and begin working and cultivating your garden of happiness.

Some like to share happy thoughts with others. This gives them happiness and most of the time the one receiving the happy thoughts enjoy them. Generally, when we have happy thoughts we have to smile. This in return replenishes our seeds in our flower garden and helps someone else seed theirs. This “happy thoughts” idea can be contagious, so don’t be surprised if your friends begin to exhibit the same outward look of happiness and optimism with life. For you see, you find what it is you seek. If you look for happiness, you find happiness; if you look for something else, generally you will find something else. Now, I ask you in all honesty: which would you rather find: happiness, or something else? Me, I’ll take happiness and happy thoughts every time!


Healthy humor comes from our own experiences, from our frustration, fears and triumphs. Healthy humor is one of acceptance and support. It shows the ways we are alike and increases our understanding and empathy. We do not laugh at one another but with one another. This kind of humor says that we are all in the same boat. Sharing humor is a form of art. Do you encourage others to share humor with you? Your attitude is very important in sharing humor.

A good way to avoid ever hurting anyone is to always direct the humor toward yourself. Most of the time healthful humor pokes fun at oneself and situations. Healthy humor creates closeness between people. Good humor is a thoughtful person using themselves or their situation as the laughter part. When life knocks them down, they pull themselves up then focus on the absurd parts of their experience. Humor can help us cope with the most unpleasant and painful experiences.

It can be a buffer for pain and help us to stay focused at the most difficult times. Humor can be used to make fun at a situation which is much better than aiming it at another person or group of persons. Healthy humor is when you can laugh at yourself and your situation. Humor changes our behavior and we find that we are capable of talking more. Also, we get energy from humor helping us to achieve where we might not otherwise.

Good humor helps us to cope with distress. We cannot experience anger, guilt or even be resentful and share humor at the same time. You must get laughter into your life and use it to overcome your anger and hurt when it occurs. The more laughter you have in your life the less stress you will have. You may need to actually go on a laughter hunt. Search everything in your life for just a bit of joy. Read funny articles and books, even the comics in the newspaper.

You might get a few stares but laugh our loud at a joke you heard. Be reasonable but take every opportunity to lighten up and be silly. Like I said, be reasonable. Whether you are with family, alone or with friends let go. It will feel good.

If you should get caught in an embarrassing or frustrating situation and you think you are about to scream-just laugh. It will completely change the moment. As you can see laughter is something you decide to do on your own. You can be a positive person and always find humor.

Laughter is a winning situation. There are no bad side effects of laughter. Did you know there is a part of your brain that helps you "get the joke"? We should know that if the brain has a special part for smiles and laughter it has to be a very important part of our lives. Our smile was given to us as a way of communicating. Who can keep from smiling when confronted with a smile? A smile is something you cannot give away, it almost always comes back.

Have you ever got up in the morning feeling down or for that matter anytime of the day or night? Try this quick remedy and see if it helps get you going. Go to a mirror and look at yourself. You probably won't like what you see. Now just smile at yourself. That should get you on track. Now don't stop there, go find someone else to smile at. Isn't it great to have a good sense of humor and be able to share it with others? What do you think of when you think of healthy humor?

The next time you go to the mall you smile at someone and see if they pass it back to you. Do this several times and see if it works. This simple act may help someone and you might not even know it. What kind of feeling do you get when someone smiles at you? Do you get a warm happy feeling? Do you return the smile, even if you are in a bad mood? Think about it next time, it may give someone else a good feeling.


When you can laugh you are in a win/win situation. Everybody wants to be a winner. As we go about our busy days, our pressure can build. Without an outlet this could cause stress hormones to hold back the immune system. We all know about blood pressure and most of the time we associate it with stress.

We need to adopt the "laughter Habit", as the best way to relieve stress. If we can laugh we will be making natural killer cells; and they are a natural immunity for disease destroying antibodies. We are all familiar with the "adrenal glands" term. If we get excited or scared our adrenalin flows faster. The same applies to laughter. We can make our adrenalin flow by making sure we include laughter in our daily routine. Does it not make sense to be a "laugher" rather than be stressed out? Laughter will keep us younger.

Have you heard of the new miracle drug called laughter? Have you thought of all the helpful things you can use laughter for? Now we all know that you can't avoid stress but we can limit the effect it has on us and our bodies. Being an optimist and being able to see positive is the first step in fighting stress. Now we add a big dose of laughter to this and we are on the right track. Laughter activates the chemistry of the will to live. It decreases our stress hormones.

Laughter stimulates the brain to enhance learning. It keeps the brain alert therefore we can retain information better. Laughter helps curb the damaging physical effects of stress. Having the ability to laugh at stressful situations could even reduce the risk of heart disease. You must get laughter into your life and use it to overcome your anger and hurt when it occurs. The more laughter you have in your life the less stress you will have.

You may need to actually go on a laughter hunt. Search everything in your life for just a bit of joy. Read funny articles and books, even the comics in the newspaper. You might get a few stares but laugh our loud at a joke you heard. Be reasonable but take every opportunity to lighten up and be silly. Like I said, be reasonable. Whether you are with family, alone or with friends let go. It will feel good. If you should get caught in an embarrassing or frustrating situation and you think you are about to scream- just laugh. It will completely change the moment. As you can see laughter is something you decide to do on your own. You can be a positive person and always find humor. Laughter is a winning situation.

There are no bad side effects of laughter. Did you know there is a part of your brain that helps you "get the joke"? Everyone has their own laugh. Laughter is such a basic thing that we hardly notice it-that is unless it is a sound that we really like or one that really annoys us. This is a most amusing thought.

Have you walked in the woods and heard all the calls of the creatures and their odd cries? Just think, when you laugh these creatures are hearing sounds that are just as odd and just as characteristic.

Laughter is generic to everyone, it crosses all language barriers, and everyone can laugh if they choose to. It doesn't matter how it sounds or looks like when you do it, as long as it feels good, and you are enjoying yourself, go ahead, just do it, just laugh.

Dot Cully