Monday 14 May 2007

How to Achieve Leadership While Learning Your Qualities

How to Achieve Leadership While Learning Your Qualities

How to Unleash the Leader Instincts within you

Leaders have many qualities that they cultivated and developed along their journey to unleashing their leader instincts. Leaders have worked hard to achieve their goals by unleashing their qualities, yet many leaders have a long way to go before they become a true leader.

Leaders take on great responsibilities. Leaders adhere to rules, policy, and set the grounds to improve the environment around them. Leaders come in many forms. A true lead makes employees feel great, since they know, they will make mistakes, while giving the room to learn from the mistakes, and know that they will come out on top. Leaders do not dwell on mistakes people make, rather they do not focus on the person, and they focus on the problems.

We can see a difference in a leader in the following illustration by looking at a leader handling problems and a person lacking leader qualities to handle problems.


A problem arises. A verbal communication attacker targets the leader accusing him of being responsible for his problems. The person lashes out without respect for the leader, and disregarding his human rights. The person fears his discomforts otherwise; he would not act in such a way. The person fears changes, failures, and disapprovals. The leader observes his power, considers his feelings, and thinks carefully before judging, criticizing, or accusing the attacker. The leader paraphrases so that he halts an argument while working toward an understanding with the attacker.

Now instead of me continuing this, I want you to think of leader qualities. Consider those qualities carefully and see if those qualities exist in you. Think about the attacker and leader response to the problem. Do you handle problems in this way? What do you do at what time problems arise? Do you handle the problems maturely? Do you think before you speak?

Consider another example. Consider behaviors. Peruse, you study your human makeup and discover you have behaviors that could prevent you from becoming a leader. Do you know the desirable behaviors of a leader? Are the behaviors within you observed closely and balanced? Do you know what the reinforces are that trigger and make your behaviors.

Do you know the consequences, and were these consequences are, and how they reinforce your behaviors? How can you improve your behaviors?

Continuing seeking answers to these questions while probing into the details, specifics, and new ideas of changing. If you have developed and cultivated good behaviors, your instincts are working and you are on the road to leadership.

Now ask self what are your standards. Standards are set by authority. Standards are customs of a personality that models human traits.

What are your beliefs? Are your beliefs faulty? Is there facts backing your beliefs? Do you have convictions and assertiveness to state your beliefs factually with evidence to back your claims.

Are you prejudiced, and do you understand what these prejudices mean? Do you disregard the rights of others by showing hate. Are you prepared to get rid of that hate and work toward becoming a considerate, honest, loyal person?

What about your morale and morals and are you ethnically prone? Are you ready to love your neighbor as self? Are you ready to pull up your inborn natural qualities while unleashing your leader instincts to achieve leadership qualities?

Continuing dwelling on this information to see what you come up with and as you move along conjure up new ideas to see how you can put them to use? Once you are finished, set small goals and work toward the big goal.

Dot Cully

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