Monday, 14 May 2007

How to Achieve Leadership While Learning Your Qualities

How to Achieve Leadership While Learning Your Qualities

How to Unleash the Leader Instincts within you

Leaders have many qualities that they cultivated and developed along their journey to unleashing their leader instincts. Leaders have worked hard to achieve their goals by unleashing their qualities, yet many leaders have a long way to go before they become a true leader.

Leaders take on great responsibilities. Leaders adhere to rules, policy, and set the grounds to improve the environment around them. Leaders come in many forms. A true lead makes employees feel great, since they know, they will make mistakes, while giving the room to learn from the mistakes, and know that they will come out on top. Leaders do not dwell on mistakes people make, rather they do not focus on the person, and they focus on the problems.

We can see a difference in a leader in the following illustration by looking at a leader handling problems and a person lacking leader qualities to handle problems.


A problem arises. A verbal communication attacker targets the leader accusing him of being responsible for his problems. The person lashes out without respect for the leader, and disregarding his human rights. The person fears his discomforts otherwise; he would not act in such a way. The person fears changes, failures, and disapprovals. The leader observes his power, considers his feelings, and thinks carefully before judging, criticizing, or accusing the attacker. The leader paraphrases so that he halts an argument while working toward an understanding with the attacker.

Now instead of me continuing this, I want you to think of leader qualities. Consider those qualities carefully and see if those qualities exist in you. Think about the attacker and leader response to the problem. Do you handle problems in this way? What do you do at what time problems arise? Do you handle the problems maturely? Do you think before you speak?

Consider another example. Consider behaviors. Peruse, you study your human makeup and discover you have behaviors that could prevent you from becoming a leader. Do you know the desirable behaviors of a leader? Are the behaviors within you observed closely and balanced? Do you know what the reinforces are that trigger and make your behaviors.

Do you know the consequences, and were these consequences are, and how they reinforce your behaviors? How can you improve your behaviors?

Continuing seeking answers to these questions while probing into the details, specifics, and new ideas of changing. If you have developed and cultivated good behaviors, your instincts are working and you are on the road to leadership.

Now ask self what are your standards. Standards are set by authority. Standards are customs of a personality that models human traits.

What are your beliefs? Are your beliefs faulty? Is there facts backing your beliefs? Do you have convictions and assertiveness to state your beliefs factually with evidence to back your claims.

Are you prejudiced, and do you understand what these prejudices mean? Do you disregard the rights of others by showing hate. Are you prepared to get rid of that hate and work toward becoming a considerate, honest, loyal person?

What about your morale and morals and are you ethnically prone? Are you ready to love your neighbor as self? Are you ready to pull up your inborn natural qualities while unleashing your leader instincts to achieve leadership qualities?

Continuing dwelling on this information to see what you come up with and as you move along conjure up new ideas to see how you can put them to use? Once you are finished, set small goals and work toward the big goal.

Dot Cully

Sunday, 13 May 2007

How To Set Up A Family Budget

Unlike the quote provided above, seemingly reflective of general opinion on family budgets today, we will attempt to take a much more positive approach to budgeting, as a family oriented, user-friendly, financial management and planning tool and life-enabler.

However, when reflecting on family budgeting and inquiring as to why not more families are actually using it, it becomes self-evident that similar skepticism runs rampant and deep in reality and society, even globally so.

Once you start probing family budgets, expending time and energy researching the subject in-depth, it becomes quite clear, that most families are caught in a vicious, almost never-ending cycle of “What comes in must go out.”

Most families might feel that budgeting is a futile effort, unnecessarily burdening them with thoughts and ways, to go broke methodically and slowly, without the creature comforts and indulgences of our human modern-day society.

Others might voice that they feel as if they are merely throwing money away, in a never-ending and dizzying spiral of spend, spend, spend. People are getting deeper and deeper into debt, no matter how hard they try to get out of it. Questions are then raised : How do we stop these courses of action? How do we change the thinking around family fiscal discipline?

Put simply, in “How to set up a Family Budget”, we focus in on how to empower families to set up better, more realistic budgets, stick to them and celebrate their successes (and learn from their failures!)

Families eventually do have a monthly surplus, see their savings start to grow, consolidate their debt, set aside discretionary funds and personal allowances, build their wealth and become more aware of their pro-active involvement and responsibility regarding their lives and finances. This is when excitement builds and fundamental thought patters as well as spending attitudes are changed.

Budgeting is seen as an accurate measurement of success when significant behavioral transformation is taking place on the landscape of the family budget, spending habits and financial patterns we observe over time!

Do you ever feel that you do not have enough cash at the end of the month to pay bills, buy necessities of life? Are you barely making a dent in your credit card debt balance, no matter how hard you try?

Here is a reality check for all of us: if we choose to spend it, it is gone for good. We cannot spend it on anything else. Are you perhaps worried about a nest egg for your golden years or savings for early retirement? Then you have arrived at a source that can provide some prudent tips on how to start, finish, implement, stick to, revise and refine a family budget.

The family budget is a dynamic process, even more so than a mere static work-product, result, process-outcome or document. It will, can and should change over time. It becomes a barometer of a family’s fiscal circumstance, resources and health.

Maybe budgeting is not as much about reflecting on what you cannot have, but more about thoughts on how to stretch, invest and spend your earned dollars more wisely. In short, it is about making your money going further.

This quick-reference how-to guide was developed to assist you with setting up your own personal, household and family budget, to help you with all of the above and more!

A couple of general money-savings will also be provided in these pages. There are also thoughts and spending patterns that need to change, in order to become fiscally more disciplined and many techniques, attitudes, habitual behaviors that we need to un-earth, evaluate and possibly change, before you even start budgeting.

For example, being a bargain hunter looking for good buys, cutting down on careless spending, being on the lookout for careless credit card spending and letting the person who handles money best in your household actually take care of it, are all good examples of what we mean.

For most households, a budget is no more than a spending plan. Any spending plan can help you see where your money is going. It fits your spending to your income. It reflects how we get the things we want and need most, while being ready and prepared for bills we must pay every month.

For most families it is simply about making a budget you can live with and stick to easily. It is not a difficult exercise, but one most people fear, avoid or dread because of the unknown and perceived complexity of it (sometimes wrongfully so!).

Part of the goal of this guide is to demystify family budgeting and highlight an easy systematic process to setting up a quality family budget.

Many things actually drive our expenditure. We choose to spend our money on things we value, need, prefer or consciously choose. For some it is clothes, for others it might be something as simple as taking that yearly vacation.

Whether you are making financial decisions for yourself or your household, you might have to make some serious choices and adjustments regarding your financial freedom and situation.

“How to Set up a Family Budget”, is a quick-reference, easy, how-to guide, meant to take you through the typical, who, why, when, what, where and how questions typically asked when considering fiscal planning for the household and or budgeting in general for your family need, means and circumstance, now and for the future.

Budgeting is not just about restricting spending and living a cheapskate life. It is about insights, wisdom, informed decisions, action and sustained discipline when it comes to your household financials.

This guide will invite you to learn more in these pages about systematic budgeting. It focuses on practical application and zooms in to apply these “best practice suggestions” in your own home. It empowers you to put together a dynamic, financial plan that suits your pocketbook, means and circumstance.

Financially speaking, assess quickly where you think you and your family are today.

  • What kind of a picture do you have?
  • Could you come up with something?
  • Did you have the data and numbers you needed?
  • Would you be able to plan for where you want to be and start living your life today as a fiscally sound and disciplined family with the information you have at your disposal at present?

Money makes the world go round! It is no secret that some of us have more, some have less. We deal with our own personal finances and cash management distinctly differently.

Households have varying needs, means and circumstance. Our money-management skills are also at different levels, as is our debt and savings!

Budgeting has to do with most of these perspectives and reflections.

The purpose and goal of family budgeting is:

  • financial situational analysis and informed awareness,
  • (ii) cutting cost,
  • (iii) gaining control or curbing spending and
  • (iv) Starting to save, building up wealth and liquid assets over time.

There are many phases and steps to go through when creating a budget.

If you are looking for ways to manage your money better, making it reach and stretch further, and providing you with financial security and a more solid future, then you have come to the right place.

In this brief introduction on family budgets, we have already introduced our first couple of key questions

  • Why an e-book or how-to guide on setting up a family budget?
  • Why would or do you need a family budget?
  • What is the business case for and rationale behind family budgeting?
  • What are the benefits and advantages of a family budget?

We elaborate a little more below. For most people, a family budget is the equivalent of a simplistic process: money is earned and comes in; money is spent and moves out!

It is a fluid, easy-flow, one-directional, cash management process. It is driven by daily life, a spending-orientation, or no plan at all!

For most families, income is also fixed and outflow typically increases over time, as the needs of the family fluctuates and changes. Loading up on debt is also very typical for the majority of our families. If this sounds very much like a vicious circle, it is. Most families are caught up in it and constantly battle to get out.

Mostly, we think that we wisely spend our money on necessities like food and clothing, gas and household or family needs, but can rarely put a finger on where the money actually goes, let alone produce a budget!

Dot Cully