Saturday 12 May 2007



Getting More Views, More Clicks, More Sales

If you sell anything online - these insites will open your mind to some secrets the guru's have never mentioned!

Anyone who sells via online Auctions knows the frustration of listing over and over, only to have to keep relisting the items in the hope of them being seen.

Well now thanks to a new ebook by a member of my [ **planet forum link**] site Randy Smith, You can learn why some listings Always get the views and bids!

In fact - the info contained in 'Magic Auction Words' is of far greater value than Randy possibly knows.


He started with a list of over 1000 'Magic Words & Phrases' that will make any Auction Listing Explode, But then went one better.

By showing some Actual Listings and their descriptions - he goes on to Break Down exactly why and how the magic words worked. [In simple language too - none of the psychologist mumbo jumbo!!]

Once you read through his analysis, you'll gain knowledge that can be implemented on any website, email, advert or auction listing. Secrets about how and why people react the way they do. Then you'll be able to use some of the Magic Words and Phrases he supplies to Greatly Enhance your site or listing, and you'll know you've covered every 'type' of reader.

After having read and reviewed a copy of Randy's 'Magic Auction Words', I thought he'd be putting it out at $47, but to my surprise he's only charging $7 and then giving you the chance to make money with it yourself.

I strongly recommend you have a look and see for yourself how much you like the sound of the info it contains, I'm sure you'll hear yourself agreeing with and feeling you've really learnt something from his breakdowns.

So without further ado - here's the link to go grab it before he realises it's true value


Dot Cully

P.S. Just one thing you'll discover is the difference 'Magic Words' made between 2 almost identical items ending within an hour of each other. One received only 28 views and no bids, The other Sold after having 168 views for 350% more than the starting price! - Imagine those results on you website & listings!


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