Thursday 21 June 2007

How to Save Money When Advertising Your Small Business

Are you looking to market your business to the general public, preferably your targeted market? Your targeted market should be the individuals who are most likely to need what your business has to offer. For instance, if you run a professional resume writing business, you will want to target those who are currently unemployed or those who are looking for jobs. As important as advertising is, it can sometimes get time consuming and costly. The costly part is what often causes many small business owners to cringe. The good news is that there are a number of different ways that you can go about advertising your small business without having to spend more money than you need to.

One of the best advertising methods that people fail to realize the importance of is word of mouth. In today’s society, many consumers like giving a company feedback or ratings, literally or figuratively. That is why many consumers tell their friends when they find a nice new store; one that is worth visiting, or a store that they had a bad experience at. You should never underestimate the power of the customers that you already have. Not only will keeping your current customers happy increase the chances of them coming back again, it also ups the chances of them recommending your business to those that they know.

Another easy and relatively cheap way that you can go about advertising your small business to your targeted market is by carefully choosing where you choose to advertise your business. In keeping with the above mentioned example of running a professional resume writing businesses, you may want to think about distributing flyers or business cards to local coffee shops or college campuses. The same can be done for other types of businesses. For instance, if you run a dog grooming salon, you can advertise your business in local pet supply stores, vet offices, and such. Of course, you will need to get permission from other businesses before placing your business cards or flyers on their properties, but you may find that most are willing to assist you. In fact, you may even want to think about doing a flyer or business card swap.

In addition to handing out traditional business cards or flyers, you may also want to think about giving away free coupons. There are many consumers who like free stuff, even if it is only a few coupons. When a customer has a money saving coupon, they are more likely to buy what you are selling, whether it is a product or a service. If you are trying to target a specific group of individuals, like your targeted market, you may want to carefully choose how you distribute your coupons and how much in savings you give away. If you are just trying to generate as many sales as possible or create a “buzz,” you may want to think about contacting one of your local newspapers to put coupons inside their paper.

As it was previously mentioned, there are many consumers who love free stuff, even if it is just coupons. You are advised to take advantage of this well-known fact. For instance, you may want to think about holding a contest or a drawing for your customers. For instance, if you run a pet supply store, you may want to think about creating a pet gift basket, like one that may include food, treats, or grooming supplies. You will want to allow each of your customers, the ones who make a purchase, to enter into your contest. If the prize is nice enough, you may that some customers buy something just to get entered into the contest. Hosting a contest is a great way to generate sales and business “buzz.”

The above mentioned approaches are just a few of the many low-cost, affordable ways that you can go about advertising your business to the general public or even just to your targeted market. The decision as to whether or not you want to use any of the above mentioned methods is yours to make, but they are at least worth looking into.

Can Your Emails Do THIS?


I'm sure you've heard stories about how some
marketers are able to make a killing every time
they mail their list. It seems like those people
have an almost "magical" ability to make money on
demand, doesn't it?

Well the truth is... it's not magic, and here's
why. There's actually a proven structure behind
every one of those money-sucking emails, and the
good news is...


It's true! How would you like to make thousands of dollars

every time you hit the "send" button?
Well now, for the first time ever, it's actually
possible, thanks to a new set of free videos that
just hit the market!

SIDENOTE: If you're in a hurry, go ahead and
check out this URL to see what I'm talking about
in this email:

<--- Takes 30 seconds


Here's what this is all about:

My friend, Michael Rasmussen, has just released a
brand new set of online videos that walks you
through the process of creating emails that suck

the cash right out of your readers' wallets and
into your bank account.

He'll teach you things like:

A simple way to create an "email blueprint"

that practically writes the email for you!

The single biggest mistake people make with
subject lines that guarantees your email won't
get opened.

And that's just the beginning!

After watching Michael's videos just once, you'll
be armed with a new set of powerful tactics for
creating money-sucking email promos!

The good news is that it's not some kind of
inborn ability that some people have and others
don't. You can learn how to write killer email
promos just like the pro's do by following the
secrets laid out in these videos.

You'll learn things like:

* How to force people to keep reading once they
open your email - proven tricks from the world's
top copywriters.

* How to create bullets that captures people's
attention, and makes your offer irresistible!

* 6 mistakes people make when writing promos that
hurts their results.

* ...and so much more!

The ability to write powerful email
promotions is one of the most important skills
you could possess as an Internet marketer. If you
can't get your readers to buy what you're
selling, then you don't make any money... period.

These videos make the learning process as easy as
humanly possible by laying everything out for you
in a step-by-step process... And best of all he's
giving them to you for F~REE!

Do yourself a favor and check out Michael's new
videos right now. They're available for a short time
only, and I'm not sure how long Michael will keep it
that way).

Here's the URL:

<-- Click that, please


PS - I've already watched them twice, and plan on reviewing them every couple months to make sure that I have the principals, techniques and
tactics burned into my mind. Here's the url again:

<-- Click that, please

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