Friday 3 August 2007

Discovering Inner Peace – Emotion Controlling – Families & Inner Peace – Helping those with Negative Thoughts

Discovering Inner Peace

Discovering inner peace is a long journey for most of us, but it is possible to find true inner peace. when you are on your voyage to finding inner peace learn to find out what you value, discover new interesting things along your journey, stay close to positive thinkers, and learn to communicate with self and others.

When you learn, what it is in life that you value you will learn respect. Values are a commitment, which often scares few. Values determine which direction we are going in life, since money and time makes up the true definition of value. What do you value most out of your life? Do you value sitting around the house playing Nintendo games, or else spending all your time watching television. If this is true, you are wasting time, ignoring the truth of value, and wasting your life going nowhere, which will lead you to stress.

If you want inner peace, you have to work. Inner peace means you will work to remove the stressors, or minimize stressors that make you feel overwhelmed.

What about your interests, are they broad or else shallow. If you are interested in one thing out of life, you are missing the joy that is offered in life and you are cluttering the mind. You will not find inner peace with a shallow mind, nor will you learn from all the interesting things you have missed.

Do you associate with negative thinkers? If you do, then God help you when the residue spills out of your personality, behaviors and habits. People that are pessimistic, are wasting life, time, and hindering their inner peace. Positive thinkers bring more to the table, thus sticking with positive influences can only help you find inner peace.

Do you communicate regularly or do you confine your mind to fresh air. At what time a person learns communication skills it broadens the mind, thus inner peace is nearer as a result.

Communication is deeper than many realize. Communication tools given to us are necessary to use often to help us find peace. The tools compose of observation, listening, hearing and talking. When you take the time to observe you will notice differences, which broadens the mind.

Taking time to listen and hear will also help you to cultivate a winning personality, which brings true inner peace. When you listen and hear, you are learning more than what you will learn from talking. Still, learning self-talk and how to communicate with others, can help you find true inner peace.


What have you learnt from reading this informative article? Where are your values? What is most important to you? Do you have a broad range of interests, or is your mind narrow? What type of friends do you associate with and how do you respond? Do your friends bring you peace of mind? Do your friends take away from your joy and inner peace? How do you communicate? DO you listen? Do you hear? Do you watch the person’s behaviors, actions, words, and body language when communicating?

Emotions Controlling Inner Peace

When a person acts on emotions, the person is allowing the emotions to take over the thoughts. The emotions prepare the body for action. When the emotions become triggered, the trigger hitting the inner source is either negative or positive. Thus to give you an example of emotional response we can provide an illustration, but for the most part when a person has control over the emotions he/she has inner peace.

Example: one woman focusing on work felt a sense of relaxation, however her young son makes a statement that goes something like this. Mom, you do not care if I live or die.

Thus the mother’s emotions were triggered, since the son is dearest to her heart, so now she is wondering in her mind why her son feels such way.

As you can see, chaos comes in the example, which is one of the main reasons why people cannot find inner peace. The emotions and thoughts are complex, since if the mechanisms of human nature do not find quiet the person will feel distress.

Therefore, we see an inner peace requires quiet emotions and thoughts. To find your inner peace you must learn self-talk. Mothers often have difficulty since they must care for self, while thinking about their mate, children, and what they need to fill fulfilled. Thus, moms searching for inner peace would be wise to take care of their tasks now, and find area in their day to relax for self.

The many problems today make it difficult to find inner peace. Financial obligations, children, world problems, self-problems and other problems often make it difficult to find quietness of the mind and emotions. Thus, I learned that minimizing the news that the media brings to me has taking a load of my mind. The world problems is something that I cannot do anything about, thus I petition the government and protest the laws, still I do not allow room for the things that I cannot change.

Allowing others to take up residence in your mind is only causing emotional stress. Thus, taking control of your mind means that you are not willing to allow anyone to rent space in your head, especially if the source does not trigger the emotions and thoughts to smile.

The emotions store mechanisms that destroy inner peace. The emotions have information that comes from the subconscious mind. Guile information such as jealousy, desire, anger, hate, et cetera is all stored within the subconscious mind, which reflects on the emotions. Thus, setting back and analyzing self is the answer to finding a resolve. When we express thoughts and emotions, the reflection presents itself to the public. Thus, anyone around you if observant will notice the behaviors displayed by you, a will form an opinion of the type of person you are.

Therefore, if you are lost to your inner self, you may want to ask friends and family what they feel the type of person you are. This will help you come to grip with your self, thus you can start the process of finding your inner peace.

Families and Inner Peace

Families must work together to reach inner peace. While it takes all of us to work alone to find our inner peace, but families differ, since families are a team working to survive life together.

Mothers have to worry about the children and spouse before they have time to take care of self. Mothers today work in the home and outside the home, which makes it difficult for them to find relief from a hard worked day and it is often difficult to find time for self.

Fathers work, come home and many sit around lounging on the couch, hanging out with friends, or else stuck on the big screen that is in front of them.

Children ramble about the house after school, doing their homework and playing after they are finished.

We wish some of this scenario was true in most households, but unfortunately, it is not. Moms often have the worst of it all, since they do not have time often to care for self.

To obtain inner peace as a family all members in the family must work together. Moms are wise to view their housework as an enjoyment, especially if the members of the household enjoy her efforts. Fathers are wise to help the mothers around the house, since unlike you; she has more on her calendar list to finish. Children are also wise to help around the house.

Thus, sharing is giving and when families give of each other, they are bringing in quietness, which is inner peace. Working together, sharing, talking together and enjoying entertainment and activities together are the ultimate road to inner peace for families.

Single individuals have less concerns, thus they can take time for self at leisure and work toward inner peace. Still, it is difficult to find inner peace, since the weight of the world makes it difficult more times than not.

Families that work together, communicate, and play together often find a measure of peace. Still, it takes each person in the family to obtain their own inner peace, but for the most part any peace in the family is better than no peace at all.

At what time a couple join in marriage they make a commitment to each other and that commitment includes loving one another as self. Therefore, helping each other find their own level of inner peace is recommended, since it is an act of showing love for each other.

We are considering inner peace, but to find peace in the family arrangement one might be wise to consider the original laws laid out to us from the beginning of time. Families are smart to remove any obstacles that pose threat to their peace, including family members, friends, or other associates.

Helping those with negative thoughts find inner peace

Ok, you went to a job interview and were rejected for the position. Thus, you walk out the door assuming that you are not smart enough to fill any position. You start to think that people think you are stupid. The fact is we all experience rejections in life, thus how you perceive makes a different as to how you will accept the rejection. When your mind is full of doubts and negative thoughts, it is difficult to find inner peace.

Most people with pessimism attitudes go through life battling their thoughts and emotions daily and some even find it difficult to sleep during night hours because the mind is not quiet. Thus, the problem with these thinkers is that they lack the ability to set goals and achieve them often therefore inner peace seems out of reach.

Consider your goals carefully. What you are doing to achieve your goals and how much effort are you putting into reaching your goals. Are your goals achievable; or are you setting goals that are out of your reach. On the other hand, do you have goals?

Putting your priorities in order will help you find peace, since if you are not organized then it brings forth chaos, which clutters the mind.

If you are having difficulty, finding quietness of mind you may want to set small goals for self and when you achieve the goals pat your self on the back for doing a good job. When you fail, rather than ponder on the failure, think about what you could have done to reach the goal.

Encouragement is an award to the mind. When a person feels good about them, self they often find peace in the mind. Peace is essential to finding happiness. When a person feels sad all the time, it weighs down the mind to the point it slips out of reality and into a self-pity state. Self-pity is what provokes negative thinking, thus if you think you are the only one dealing with rejections, or hurt from life, consider the many others in the world with far more problems than you.

Persons with negative thinking patterns miss inner peace, since they allow every little problem weigh down the mind. The person often beats self up when nothing goes his/her way. Thus, if you think of rejections on a negative level, you are heading down the road to misery rather than down the highway to inner peace.

No is a good thing sometimes. If you are turned down for a position, it may be in your best interest. What if you landed the job and found you could not handle the position? On the other hand, maybe you like to engage in activities that lead to harm. Possibly someone that loves you is telling you no because they care what happens to you.

Life is full of rejections and we all get our fair share. Therefore, turning rejections in to positive outlooks can help you find quietness of the mind, which is inner peace.

Dot Cully

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