Sunday 4 July 2010

Help for Sufferers of ME - Myalgic Encephalopathy

ME stands for Myalgic Encephalopathy, but the disease is also known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Post-Viral Fatigue Syndrome. It currently affects around 250,000 Britons.
The cause of ME is uncertain and opinions conflict as to whether it is a psychiatric, behavioural or physical condition.
Onset often follows a viral infection. Symptoms include severe fatigue, muscle and joint pain, gastric disturbances and poor concentration. In severe cases sufferers may be bedridden for years.
Sufferers often experience reactions to infections, operations, temperature extremes or stress.
There is no recognised cure for ME and no universally effective treatment. Adequate rest during acute phases seem to bring the most significant improvement.
While some initially doubted the existence of ME, it is now recognised by both the World Health Organisation and the Department of Health.
ME has just become recognised but very little is known in respect of treatment, diagnosis is only by eliminating other possible diseases by tests, with no set treatment for the debilitating tiredness that most sufferers experience. GPs are sympathetic but don’t really know how to treat ME patients.
ME sufferers often turn to alternative remedies like – hypnotherapy, osteopathy and reiki without success. There is however at present a South Korean treatment that combines acupressure with breathing techniques which appears to work for many ME sufferers. 15 minute sessions of Innersound which consist of pressing energy points on your stomach, arms, back, legs and shoulders has the effect of replacing missing energy that has accumulated and is designed to detox and re-energise your body.
These session of Innersound taken regularly has been know to help ME patients considerably and eventually cure them. Innersound has centres throughout the UK visit or call 020 7462 8811

Dot Cully

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