Friday 1 March 2013

Vacation Dreams With Sandals To Match

Vacation Dreams with Sandals to Match

By: Colleen Lanin, The Travel Mama 
January 22nd, 2013

I admit it. I haven’t been traveling a lot lately. That’s not right for a Travel Mama like me. I’ve been too busy prepping for the launch of my book, The Travel Mamas’ Guide; being a mom to two children who seem to have more time off from school than I ever dreamed possible as a kid, managing, writing for TODAY Travel, and teaching a blogging class. It’s making my travel feet rather itchy. I keep planning trips I can’t afford to take and almost, just almost, booking tickets to somewhere wonderful…somewhere tropical…somewhere worthy of a pair of a kicky pair of sandals, like those made by Havaianas.

Hawaii vacation sandals by Havaianas

Slim Allegra flip flop in Ice Violet

First up in these dreamy travel scenarios is Hawaii. I’ve been to almost all visitable islands (Oahu, Maui, Lanaii, and Molokai). Now I’ve got my heart set on the Big Island of Hawaii. Havaianas are just begging for a black sand beach where my family could lay back and relax or take a surf lesson on some killa’ waves.

Cruise sandals by Havaianas

Slim Hardware Havaianas for women in Light Golden

Another recurring vacation craving comes in the form of a cruise. What is more alluring than propping up your sandal-clad feet on a deck chair and reading a magazine as your offspring splash in the pool or make friends at the ship’s kids’ camp? Nothing, that’s what!

Children's sandals for vacation by Havaianas

Kids Slim Tinkerbell sandal in Lavender

Typically in these travel fantasies, my beloved children are present with their sweet smiles and darling tootsies. Of course, their little feet should be just as stylishly clad as mine, non? My 7-year-old daughter keeps begging for a return visit to Jamaica. These Tinkerbell Havaianas would look darling on a little girl, mon.

Boys' Cars sandals by Havaianas

Kids Cars flip flop in White

You might think little boys don’t care about shoes. You would be wrong. My 4-year-old cares a great deal about shoes, especially when they are emblazoned with his favorite character, Lightning McQueen from “Cars”movie fame. Where would my little guy most want to sport these speedy shoes? Why, poolside at the Disneyland Hotel after a day at Cars Land, of course!

Men's vacation sandals by Havaianas

Brazil Havaianas in grey for men

My ultimate vacation fantasy involves escaping my children (much though I love them) for a few days for a romantic getaway. I don’t really care where I go as long as it’s away! Wait, I take that back…as long as I get to choose, I’m going to Tahiti, baby! Warm ocean waves, mellifluous French language, and just, you know, all around awesomeness. My husband would look quite manly sporting a pair of these bad boys on a Tahitian beach.

Wedding sandals by Havaianas



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